REBECCA DRYSDALE: One Woman in Several Pieces
Named by Variety as one of "the top 10 comics to watch" this woman is making waves. At least I think so. Her show is a mix of several vignettes that range in style from low-brow sketch, to limit-pushing, issue driven satire. The conglomeration of material gives a sense of who this young comedian is, and what she has to say. With songs titled, "when can we make fun of 9/11" and a rap comprised solely from 3 words--one of which being 'nigga', this show puts issues on the table people normally shy away from. Drysdale forces her audience to look at what makes them uncomfortable and dissect it a new light--a comedic light. I believe laughter is a common denominator between people, so what better way to discuss and examine issues that affect us all?
Rebecca Drysdale: one woman in several pieces
plays at the UCB Theater for only one more performance.
This Friday, August 25th at 8pm, $8
Go see this movie. That's really all there is to it. One of the best films of the year, it is a heartwarming, hilarious, story that is superbly written with across-the-board brilliant, touching performances. Toni Collette, Steve Carell, Greg Kinnear, Paul Dano, Abigail Breslin, and Alan Arkin = magic. Cinematic magic.
I don't know how many theaters it is playing in right now, but it is worth the research and a 2 hour drive. Yes...A 2 hour drive...Even with the price of gas.
OK. So i know that hummus is no secret and nothing new...In fact I've been eating for years. But its so god damn good people, i must endorse it. If you have never had hummus, A. i would like to know who you are. And B. Please go out and buy it. i suggest Tribe of Two Shields Roasted Red Pepper or (my newly found favorite) Scallion. Goes best with wheat thins. Seriously, its the perfect snack--or in some cases, breakfast.
If I was crafty and blogger-savvy enough, I would figure out a way to upload some sample songs so you could hear the magnificence of this album. Its quirky, folky, poetic, bold and diverse. Go to her Myspace page and take a gander. Can you take a gander at music? I don't really know what the phrase 'take a gander' actually means...disregard. Listen to the album. ALSO she is playing here in NYC at Town Hall on September 27th--who wants to go?? More importantly, who will buy my ticket??
Paris Hilton's new self-titled album
I haven't listened to this. I don't ever really want to. And I don't think we should add to this ho's wallet by shelling out $10 on itunes to listen to her try to sound sexy.
"I, like, cry, when I listen to it, it's so good." She says talking up her debut album, Paris, to Blender magazine.
So do we Paris. so. do. we.
For annonyminity (sp?) sake, I'm using this stick figure in lieu of an actual photograph.
He totally snubbed me just now when i was walking to the bathroom. As I opened the door to the stairwell i said, "Hey, how's it goin'?" He looked me up and down and kept on walking completely ignoring my very casual, benevolent greeting. Ew. Who do you think you are? done and done. i DO NOT endorse him