Friday, February 16, 2007

What does it mean?!

This morning I came to work to find an email saying, "Free breakfast is provided in the lunch room!" (the "lunch room" is actually the former supply closet and currently a hallway to the kitchen. but whatever)

Clearly I was excited--even though I ate my last 2 eggs this morning, (damn!! if only i knew!) I still decided to partake in the smorgasbord of bagels and muffins...clearly.

I then found out that two of my coworkers, Joe and Kenneth, had made a bet as to how quickly I would respond to the email about free food when I got in...

I got in at 10:26 and got up to get the food at 10:36. I think I surprised them with my restraint...

Thursday, February 15, 2007


I am currently on hold with the Gateway Customer Service line---ya see, after 5 1/2 weeks of Best Buy "working" on my computer, I got it back today (more broken than when I originally brought it in) and was told, "just call Gateway and have them send you the system restore disks and you can install them yourself"

Thanks Best Buy. Ya'll are swell.

What's more frustrating, is the automated radio disk jockey, "Jennifer", who is there to make my wait time more enjoyable just said--in a super condescending tone, mind you...

"You're computer's broken? You know what I like to do? I turn off my computer and then turn it back on again--a lot of times that fixes whatever problem there is. Just think of it as a reset for your computer! Now, up next is Otis Redding's 'Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay'"

This is exactly what frustrated people on the verge of homicidal rage want to hear from some automated robot cunt: "try turning off your computer!!!"

good lord, stop the insanity!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Fat Kid Series Part 3: The King And I

The summer after 7th grade I was in the prime of my childhood chunkies. The summer was the worst season for fat kids; coming up with different reasons for why you have to wear a shirt while swimming in the pool is an arduous task. "I don't want to get a sunburn." "It keeps me warm in the cold water." or my last resort, "It's fun to swim with a shirt on--you should try!" Any reason to not have to de-robe and show the world my 11 year old bitch tits and prominent stretch marks was good enough for me. It was a stress you should be grateful you didn't have to deal with (unless you did have to deal with that, in which case you know what I'm talking about)

This particular summer I was in a grand production of the Rogers and Hammerstein classic, "The King and I." For those who don't know, the story revolves around an English woman and the brutish King of a land known as Siam. I, in my 11 year old, awkwardly large body, portrayed the pivotal role of, "dancer."

The crux of the costumes for us dancers were these huge, M.C. Hammer style pants; super baggy and in the dark, rich colors of the orient. These pants and a matching vest, and that. was. it. Nothing more. No shirt to hide my lumpy torso.

Clearly when I learned of these costumes, I broke into a cold sweat--desperately trying to remain cool and unaffected while on the inside I scrambled for reasons we should wear shirts, "Isn't it cold in Siam?" "We're all really pale, so we wouldn't look Asian" and "Wouldn't it be fun to all wear shirts?"

Yeah, none of it worked. After weeks and weeks of sweaty dread, we finally had our first dress rehearsal. Everyone was excited, looking at each other in their awesome costumes. I undressed quickly and pulled my hammer pants up above my belly button, as to mask the bulge, and slipped on the vest very carefully , as to create minimal jiggling.

Everything was okay. I wasn't hanging out all over the place, it wasn't disasterous. Everything was fine---standing up.

The problem arose--or more aptly, plopped out--when I had to go through the blocking in costume. You see, much of the show was spent kneeling and bowing towards the king. Gravity, my friends, is not kind to fat kids with boobs wearing vests.

I quickly realized the problem I had and began to solve it by slowly and non-chalantly closing my vest flaps and keeping them pinned together using my chin as I cautiously went down to bow. I looked like a deformed seal--neck-less, blubbery, and wet with sweat. I don't know how I thought I wasn't drawing attention to myself. In fact, after a few dress rehearsals, I thought I was getting pretty damn smooth.

Well about a week before the show, one of the moms working on the costumes--Vicki Kangos--called me and said that she was working on the vests and needed me to drop by her house for a quick fitting. She lived in the same neighborhood as I, so this wasn't a problem. I hopped on my bike and pedaled my fat ass up to her house. She made me take off my shirt (which was embarrassing in and of itself) and put on my vest. She started fiddling with it, pulled out her measuring tape, looking things up and down and then added, "we're gonna put a button on your vest"

a button. a little black button to fasten the two sides of my vest closed so I wouldn't worry about my tits hitting the stage when I bowed down.

I was the sole dancer with a button.

And honestly, I don't know what was worse--fat flopping out or having a button call attention to the fact that I had fat about to flop out. So I went through the show, wearing my button, answering questions about the button with, "uh, I don't know, they said that this color vest needed a button..." It was tragic.

My favorite part was after one of the performances my dad came up to me, clearly not thrilled by the 3 hour, 300+ person production he just sat through and said, "Great job! You looked, really, uh, muscular up there!"

I smiled and said thanks.

Monday, February 12, 2007

A question for the ages...

i did a google image search of "inherently funny" and this is what popped up first.

This came in second.

Clearly, this was third.

Why are cows and Phil Collins so god damn funny?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Today marks the one month anniversary of bringing my computer in to be fixed by The Geeksquad at Best Buy


I hope I can go another month with out having it fixed, getting no updates on it, and being put on hold for 30 minutes to ultimately just be hung up on! Maybe they'll even let me pay them another $200 dollars!

A boy can dream, can't he?

A Call I Made At Work Today...

Me: Hi, is Lalonde there?

Woman: Who?

Me: Lalonde? I'm calling from about your ticket request for Mamma Mia

Woman: I think you have the wrong number.

Me: Is this Lalonde Golles

Woman: Oh, Lalonde Golles

Me: Yes.

Woman: That is my ex-husband's girlfriend, so I think you have the wrong number.

Me: Oh........this is awkward. I'm sorry. This is the number that was on the form...yeah ya know what? I'll just email her.

Woman: Yeah, well, I think you have the wrong number.

Me: Okay, sorry.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Latest Reasons I am a Giant Douchebag

1. I forgot my keys to my apartment (which I moved into less than a week ago) and was locked out at 2 am. 2 of my roommates were home and sleeping, but had their phones turned off. Our doorbell does not work. I called my other roommate, Brian, who was at his girlfriend's.

The remedy: catching a cab to take me to Brian to get his keys. Huzzah for spending $12 I don't have on something completely avoidable.

The Kicker: Brian and I split a cab back to Astoria in the first place; before Brian was dropped off at his girlfriend's, I thought to myself, "Hmm, I should check to make sure I have my keys in case I forgot them."

2. Last night I did laundry and managed to throw 1/2 my clothes in a dryer with a blue pen still in one of my pockets.

The Result: 1/2 my clothes (a majority of the shirts I wear) have blue ink stains all over them. They are now sitting in a pile in my room, next to boxes yet to be unpacked, awaiting the trash or some Martha Stewart miracle.

The Kicker: When I took my clothes out of the washer and moved them over to the dryer, a pen cap fell out and I thought to myself, "Hmm, there is probably a pen in one of the pockets."

I should probably learn a lesson from all this. I'm not quite sure what it is yet though.

The positives of my douchiness:
1. on the way to pick up the keys from Brian, I got to witness a pretty kick ass accident between a van and a van cab

2. I have a legitimate reason to buy new clothes. Yay for my gap card...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

a wee bit pissed.

this is NOT my weemee.

Have you seen this new phenomenon on Instant Messenger?? They are called WeeMees. Little cartoons you can design and use as your buddy icon. You can pick different hair styles, clothes, shoes, hats, glasses, drinks, backgrounds etc. All day, more and more people at work have had these little tykes pop up next to their screen names. They are taking over the world, people!
Between myspace and the blue tooth, I really think this might be the next step in our evolution of becoming borg people. I'm kind of opposed to it, but it's the perfect way to kill a good 1/2 hour of your time. Besides, if borg people take over the world, I want to be a part of it. I decided to keep mine naked, though--in protest (in actuality, I just forgot to put clothes on it, and decided to keep it). In any case, my WeeMee is free and all natural--save for earmuffs, a scarf, gloves and a leaf over his junk. He has a little dancing penguin friend standing next to him...clearly, why wouldn't he?

I would be able to show you all of this, but I can't figure out a way to get the image of my WeeMee on here. I've spent a good 2 hours trying to figure out how to share it with the blogging world to no avail. I also can't figure out how to make the little guy appear full size on my IM box. Right now, it just looks like a WeeMee headshot in the lower corner. Ugh, when we do become borg people I am going to be a mess! I won't know what to do---there will probably be some new technological way of breathing and I'll be shit out of luck, trying to fidget with some sort of doo-hicky application on an ipod, slowly suffocating to death.

I know there has got to be some sort of WeeMee expert out there to help me! Where are you?!

She could probably help.

Meet Celia Francis, the CEO of WeeWorld. She is leading the company as it "embarks on a period of global expansion through strategic alliances, partnerships and presence around the world."

That's all well and good, Celia, but how can I get the damn WeeMee on my blog so I can show my handful of readers what I did with a 1/2 hour of my life today!?