Saturday, June 17, 2006

Boredom + Randomness

So I've been under some pressure from a few of my devoted readers (I think I'm up to 4 now?) to update this thing.

The problem is that in lieu of inspiration, my creativity is overwhelmingly being drowned in boredom. But, as they say, the blog must go on. ( I really don't know who says that...But maybe "they" will start saying it now) So anyway, here is a collection of random thoughts:

--Looking for apartments is arduous. I've only looked at one and already I'm over it. There are so many crazies out there who just decide to get into the real estate game. This one apartment my roommate Courtney and I looked at today was totes redic. This crazy guy Mark who had bleached eyebrows and was wearing a "white house staff" t-shirt decided to turn this house in Astoria into 3 separate apartments. Basically he wanted to cram as many people in there as possible so he could get as much money as possible. After walking 25 minutes from the subway, we get to the house and are forced to wait in the hall as he talks for 5 minutes to another tenant. After he finished up with the call, he tries to explain to us the situation with the other tenant--but clearly it didn't make sense--he's crazy. He told us he was in the process of installing spiral staircases into the basement where there would be two bedrooms. two musty, windowless, cement bedrooms. The place had a "back yard" consisting of a dirt road, cement wheelchair ramp, and a rolled up chain link fence. and the price was $1900/month. No thanks, Mark, I think we'll pass.

--I'm gonna be a Soap Star. Well at least my back is. I did extra work on One Life To Live this week. It was actually really fun and quick and easy. The scene took place in Rodi's Bar and I got to fake drink fake beer and eat tostidos as quietly as possible. If you've worked on a soap before, you know how fucking fast they go. most films shoot 2-3 pages of script a day. Soaps shoot 60-80 pages a day. its crazy--they get up on set, block the scene with all the cameras, then shoot. The directors and stage managers are talking on top of each other and as an extra your job is to be there and not get in the way, which is why it was horribly awkward and hilarious when one of the extras got screamed at for blocking one of the actors. It was even funnier and a little more awkward because it was indirectly my fault she was in the way. whoops.

--Do you guys remember the phrase "I don't give!"? I used that ALL the time as kid. I think it stems from "I don't give a shit" and was shortened when swearing was still way too bad to do. For example: "You didn't do your homework?" "um, doi! I don't give! it was stupid" **"doi" is slang for "duh", which was also popular in my elementary years

--I think it's super awkward when you're sitting on the subway infront of one of the maps and someone comes over to read it. I lean forward a little bit, but try to make it look like I'm not inconvenienced at all; but really, I am inconvenienced. I'm sitting there trying not to move as strangers are leaning over me with their crotches and fanny packs in my face. I don't want to get up because then they'd feel bad they made me give up my seat. I don't want to be in their way. I'm caught in the middle. I pretend like everything is normal and fine, but really I'm thinking "ugh, are you done yet? hurry the fuck up." It's really not that big a deal--but those 20 seconds your personal bubble is popped and oozing out all over the subway, you can't think about anything else.

--one of my co-workers is crazy. Like mood swings-talks to himself loudly-sends wired, irrelevant emails-throws things on the ground-crazy. I get nervous when he talks to me.


Anonymous said...

Okay, so my comment has nothing to do with this particular blog. . .I'm just kinda pissed that I didn't make it onto your "people I know" list. You're a fucking bitch. You wrote me a Haiku for crying out loud. .doesn't that still mean something today? I don't wanna live in a world where Haikus' aren't sacred. . .

Carolyn Baccaro said...

I CANNOT believe you're going to be on the best soap opera on television. DID I MENTION I saw Alicia Minshew aka KENDALL getting into a cab (see blog posting.)

You should have asked her if she remembered me. And her mother....don't even get me started <3<3<3

I can't beleive JR has the audacity to talk to her after almost killing both Kendall AND her baby.