Classy Tim.
The sad part was the pride he still had for this movie. Granted, Galaxy Quest is fucking Awesome and it deserves pride(if you haven't seen it, put it on your netflix queue, stat), but the highlight of ones career? A film that needs to be remembered 8 years after on national TV in a booze-inspired exaltation? No, probably not. And the fact that he had to show his connection to Tony Shaloub as if to say, "yeah, I know one of the guys nominated!!! wooooooooo!!! I'm not washed up!!!!!!! YEAH!!!" It's laughably pathetic. Tim Allen is Hollywoods drunk uncle they are forced to see on holidays.
And who did he present with? Was it Vanessa Williams? He made some awfully awkward comment about how "if beauty was a minute, she'd be the longest day of the year." Or something equally as lame. We totally witnessed one of those old-guy-at-the-bar-hitting-on-someone-COMPLETELY-out-of-his-league moments..except it was on stage at the golden globes. hilarious.
But really. Go and watch Galaxy Quest
Help support this man's career...we don't want another one of these:
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