Wednesday, March 14, 2007

think lovely thoughts...

Some days at work suck more than others. This is one of those days. They just moved me to a sucky ass cubicle--right next to the sucky-ass cubicle I sat at for the first 2 years of employment here at Although bigger, these cubicles are life-sucking and awful; there are no windows remotely close for me to look out, you have to get up and answer the door when no one is at reception, and in the 360 degrees surrounding me my view consists of grey cubicle wall A, grey cubicle wall B, grey cubicle wall C, or white office wall. Not to mention my computer screen faces a high-traffic walk way for all the world to see me blogging, gmailing or myspacing.

The cubicle I was moved from was its own little room, which I shared with my delightful coworker, Joe. Granted, it was hard to tell when a supervisor was approaching with enough time to click onto a work-related page, and there still wasn't a window, I at least had another person next to me, not separated by a wall. A fun person, who made the day a little easier to get through. I do have people on the left and right of my cubicle walls now, however I am not delighted by them, nor will they make the day a little easier to get through. Let's just say I would much rather have my desk moved to Storage Room B a la Milton from Office Space.

BUT, I'm trying to remain positive (I've seen The Secret!!!) so here is a list of good things that having my desk moved has wrought:

1. I had an excuse not to do work for the two hours I took to change desks

2. The windows in this office face the Sheridan Manhattan hotel which has a patio that inexplicably draws ugly people to take off their clothes and sunbathe--who wants to see that?!

3. I get to hear my sassy co-worker Bret mouth off to customers again

4. Moving desks gave me the initiative to hang a tribal tapestry on one of my cubicle walls as to accent the mind-numbing grey

5. After spilling water over all of the magazine pictures I had, I now have a reason to redecorate (Thankfully I was able to salvage my picture of Zack and Kelly, Paul Rudd, and the Six Feet Under Ad.)

6. Moving desks is the most exciting thing to happen at work since a former supervisor flipped out, started crying and rolling around on the ground


rebmamber said...
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rebmamber said...

Um, yeah that was your dump cousin-in-law, not your ever brilliant cousin Amber on that last post, I think...
Cory, just wanted to pass along a office crisis that I am currently dealing with right now. The crisis: a bunch of Big Wigs are in our office for a management meeting, I'm not sure why 7 Big Wigs from freezing cold Michigan need to fly to sunny, warm Fort Myers to have a meeting in our conference room, but that has nothing to do with the crisis at hand. Lunch delivered, and even us dregs got to order a tasty sandwich from Joe's Deli. Each sandwich comes with chips and a cookie. I was lucky enough to place the order and as I have a way with people, was offered a cool dozen cookies, instead of 11 (for the 11 sandwichs ordered). 11 people 12 cookies. Lunch comes and the dozen cookies are in a separate box, which gets shuffled into the conference room where the Big Fat Big wigs are and us low lifes are left without a cookie! Damn them, it's 3:00 pm, I need my fricken cookie. It's not like I'm still bozzing from a grande mocha frappuccino that I got on the way to the office at 10 am like they are. I've been drinking water since 7 am and need something to get me through this day.
When I am a Big Wig, no peeon will go without a cookie.
Justin, not Amber

C-diddy said...

a. there's an E in my name...fucktard.

b. this is awful. You can't go into the conference room and awkwardly grab the cookies? WAIT...are the big wigs EATING the cookies?!?! OH this is a mess. I would totally bring you cookies if it weren't for the 1200 or so miles separating us...

c. i think that's all.

rebmamber said...


Sorry about forgetting the "E" in your name.
