It is not easy looking as good as I look. It takes a time, energy, and healthy wherewithal the majority of people are not ready to incorporate into their daily life. It's a damn good thing I was birthed a fantastic cook.
Fear not fellow eaters, for you too can enjoy my creative masterpiece.
2 slices of white bread. (cheap white bread. none of that 'bread with grains' shit.)
1 garden burger. (this is what makes it healthy folks, no substitutions!)
1-2 swirls ketchup.
3 squirts mustard juice. (best if found from mustard bottle that has been in the refrigerator for an undetermined length of time)
1 knife glop of mayo.
lots of love.
no money. no standards.
And there you have it; a well balanced meal!
best served with Bordeaux and a DVR'd episode of Studio 60 (how ridiculous was that sassy gay bully who got pushed and then had Nate Corddry arrested? If there is one reason why this show should stay on the air, it's Sorkin's ease in writing sassy, gay bully characters.)
Well, it's 2:26 and I gots to go to bed. Good thing I can drift to sleep knowing that I blog about the important things going on in the world!
**art editor: Brian Belcinski
GROSS COREY!!! YOUR INSIDES ARE ROTTING. actually this reminds me of every meal I've ever had at your house. Maybe thats why im not fat anymore. NOT THAT YOU ARE. YOURE BEAUTIFUL COREY DONT LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENT.
I see this is your dinner taking place on 11/8/06. I find myself quite upset that there is no MENTION of my birthday.... THE DAY OF MY BIRTH COREY. But I suppose the flowers made up for it as they did fill me with the happiness of 1000 geese. A gaggle of geese if you will - A GAGGLE.
p.s. that food looks wretched, but i hope you enjoyed. I was dining at Boston's best and chose the Spicy Halibut. Holler at bdays.
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