Thursday, May 17, 2007

Autism Isn't Cool

I don't like Autism, so I'm doin' something about it.

I'm raising money for Autism Speaks to help fund research for this lame ass developmental disorder. Seriously, I denounce this condition and DO NOT, under any circumstances endorse Autism.

I do, however, endorse the people WITH Autism. I would like to see them prosper and thrive while living generous, fulfilling lives.

Some Facts about Autism:
1 in 150 births
1 to 1.5 million Americans
Fastest-growing developmental disability
10 - 17 % annual growth
Growth comparison during the 1990s:
--U.S. population increase: 13%
--Disabilities increase: 16%
--Autism increase: 172%
$90 billion annual cost
90% of costs are in adult services
Cost of lifelong care can be reduced by 2/3 with early diagnosis and intervention
In 10 years, the annual cost will be $200-400 billion

Well what can YOU do, you ask?!

click on that and donate!
a. it's tax deductible
b. it'll make you feel warm and a good way, not like you're having a stroke or something
c. if you don't, it means you love autism and call people retards.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

An Addendum to Yesterday's Open Letter

It was learned that while the employees of were buying their own lunches, the supervisors treated themselves to a 2 hour lunch at Maria Pia paid for with Dinner Vouchers the company sells. They were "testing out the service."

Makes complete sense.

Anyway, I don't want this blog to turn into a complete rant on the dickish hoohaa of, so here is something light, funny, and completely unrelated:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

An Open Letter


Just when I thought you couldn't get any more greedy, unappreciative, and awful, you go and do something like this. We, the employees, spend countless hours slaving away in our oppressive cubicles to feed your corporate hunger and how do you repay us? By cancelling our free lunch you promised us.

Some of us, upon learning of lunch being provided today on Tony nomination day, were grateful and excited. "Gee, that's considerate of them--free lunch! Woo! That's delightful." Some of us who aren't paid very well may have even felt relieved that the burden of purchasing our own lunch was lifted. But, per usual, you go and crush all hopes of decency and kindness.

I'm sorry if Tony nomination Tuesday was not as busy as you had thought, but am I not deserving of a free lunch just cuz? I guess not. I guess its only when you're raping customers of their money at a high volume. The normal rape of 20% service charge per ticket at a low volume isn't enough to give you that extra couple bucks to warrant buying lunch for your employees. No, I understand, spending $200 on lunch is a lot, especially when you're a growing corporate monster such as yourself--you gotta SAVE THOSE PENNIES! This week we might only make $2,000,000. I understand, you gotta be careful.

Once again, you've disappointed me Yet another instance of putting the almighty dollar ahead of human compassion. Huzzah!


Corey W. Johnson

PS. The 2 boxes of day old doughnuts you got us for breakfast were SHITTY.

Sunday, May 06, 2007