Monday, June 05, 2006

random thing that amused me tonight:

coming into my apartment tonight there is a sheet of paper ductaped to my neighbor's door which reads, in angry handwriting, "DON'T COME IN UNLESS YOU KNOW WHY YOU LIVE HERE!"


i only really know the woman who lives there, Bronwyn, but just barely. we've only been introduced once, and casually ran into each other twice. I've actually never seen her husband/boyfriend/dudewholivesthere. Apparently though, Bronwyn was an-gry! i mean she put up that note, didn't she?! at least, i'm assuming it was her. maybe it was him. that would be a fun turn of events.

Either way, twice now i've gotten up to peek out the peep hole hoping to catch a glimpse of some doorway confontation--see him violently rip the note down or just standing there in tears or something. anything really.

nothin' though. whoever was there left before i got to the door. ugh.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I was just clicking on that next blog button and got yours after, lets see... I think three clicks. Anyway, this post of yours really got my attention. I'm sure there is a knock-out story behind that. I hope everything will clear up between Bronwyn and company. If there are any new updates to this I'd be very pleased to hear them.